When Caring takes a Toll:
Shedding Light on Caregiver Burnout
As defined by the United Nations, a “super-aged” country is where the number of citizens aged 65 years old and above exceeds 25%. By 2030, Singapore is projected to claim that status, with one in four citizens aged 65 years old and above, up from one in six now.
Behind every “super-aged” citizen with dementia is a caregiver who devotes time and effort in caring for them.
In a study on mental health caregivers conducted by Singapore Management University in 2020, 75% of dementia caregivers expressed the need for temporary separation from the person they care for as they are tired and exhausted.
Assuming the role of a caregiver is a fulfilling yet demanding responsibility. This caring journey is spontaneous - you may never know when it will begin, nor can you tell when it will end. Coping with numerous unfamiliar tasks can be overwhelming when the additional loads amount to having too much on your plate. In the pursuit of caring, caregivers tend to dive deep into the care of their elderly, conversely neglecting themselves. As a result, the cumulative stress this role brings manifests into what we now know as Caregiver burnout.
Immense Load
Time Constraints
Lack of Support
Unrealistic expectations
Immense load
Being a caregiver demands multifaceted tasks such as personal hygiene, meal preparations, medications, making medical arrangements, and these are only a few of the physical aspects. The sheer amount and difficulty in ever-changing circumstances, or just this foreign concept of caregiving itself, may cause eventual emotional downfall.
Time constraints
In addition to your pre-existing load, the demands of caregiving seemingly leave you little to no time to socialise. In the rare event that there is time and you decide to prioritise yourself, the guilt of not caring for your elder may kick in instead. This change in lifestyle may seem to require you to make sacrifices such that you dedicate more time to your elder.
Neglecting oneself
In devoting all your time and effort into providing the best care for your elder, you tend to lose sight of what mattered to you before, compromising your needs, desires and health.
In the process of neglecting yourself, you slowly become engulfed into the life of your elder and before you know it, you have been isolated from your social groups due to time constraints. This is dire as carrying the weight of caregiving alone is simply too arduous and may make you feel like a lone marathon runner.
Lack of support
By taking up the role as a caregiver, some may assume that your care is enough and should you not sound out, you may be left alone without any support. As caregiving is a unique endeavour, it may also be challenging for others to empathise if they did not have a shared experience.
Unrealistic expectations
While setting expectations and hope in the recovery of your loved one after dedicating your all to them is valid, it is important to set realistic ones, especially in the case of elderly with dementia since it is a progressive condition.
Financial: We concede that finance could be a potential obstacle for caregivers where current care subsidies are simply not enough if for instance, you are the sole breadwinner who quit your job to care for your elder full-time. With CaringWheels, this issue is relieved due to Beneficiary Support and Carer Adoption programs.
Social: Having family members who may not be the most well-versed in the concept of caregiving may have idealistic expectations on you which adds on to your already heavy load.
Physical: Assisting in a myriad of caregiving activities can be physically exhausting for you as you are stretched at all ends, where your lifestyle depends on and revolves around your elder.
Emotional: Fearing inadequacy, witnessing your elder’s decline, becoming isolated and more, caregiving can overwhelm you and take a toll on your emotional health.
Frequent Illnesses
Sleep Inconsistencies
Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms
Negative Emotions
Taking care of your elder with dementia 24/7 can tire you out physically and mentally.
Physically - having to run through the daily routine and carrying out manual labour such as transferring your elder from one place to another.
Mentally - having to deal with unforeseen circumstances, being emotionally drained from being at your elder’s beck and call.
With this very task-demanding role, you barely have time to breathe which could consequently take a toll on you in the long run. The prolonged experience of exhaustion faced by caregivers is known as compassion fatigue. It can result in a lack of empathy, increased negativity, compromising quality care.
Frequent illnesses
By prioritising your elder’s needs, you tend to neglect yours (consciously or subconsciously). Even the most essential needs like personal hygiene, exercise or regular mealtimes could be looked over if you had to care for your elder at that stipulated timing. This could result in higher possibilities of falling ill and causing additional unintentional problems.
Sleep inconsistencies
Placing your elder’s recovery at the centre of your life now, all you can think about is their welfare. Hence, the slightest worry may keep you up at night as you could be afraid of what happens should you fall asleep. As you have to be there to assist your elder when they are awake, your sleep is affected the moment they rise. That being said, your quality of sleep is essentially compromised, resulting in sleep deprivation.
Adopting Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms
These are unhealthy or ineffective coping mechanisms to provide temporary relief away from undesirable and overwhelming situations.
Some include:
Substances of misuse: Resorting to alcohol or drugs to numb emotions and escape reality temporarily.
Unhealthy food or overeating: Food high in sugar and fats could be a source of comfort and distraction away from caregiving responsibilities.
Social withdrawal: Avoiding social interactions and isolating oneself from social networks. This could be due to the myth that caring has no spare time or the lack of energy to mingle.
Aggression: Expressing frustration or anger inappropriately and unintentionally as a result of pent up negative emotions, while providing temporary relief, it could potentially be harmful.
Procrastination: Delaying important caregiving duties due to the lack of motivation and interest causes tasks to pile up, gradually increasing stress.
Escapism: Excessive indulgence in unproductive activities such as gaming and shopping as means to escape from the realities of caregiving may seem effective. However, when uncontrolled, it becomes harmful and does not address the root of the problem.
Self-blame: Putting all the blame on yourself for seemingly failing to meet all the expectations of caregiving is not uncommon. However, unabling to satisfy the demands is perfectly normal, especially if you are new or require assistance. Blaming yourself is simply counterproductive in your journey to provide quality care.
Self-denial: Suppressing pent-up emotions as a result of the toll caregiving brings, can result in the denial of the need for self-care. This is unhealthy as it is crucial for you to acknowledge your situation and feelings and take steps to care for yourself too.
Changes in appetite - The intensity that caregiving brings can lead to significant changes in appetite, resulting in fluctuations in weight. One such change is stress eating. It is a behaviour where individuals turn to food to cope with or soothe their emotions, particularly during times of stress.
Negative emotions - The immense amount of workload could undeniably bring about a lot of negative repressed emotions if you fear that you are incompetent or hopeless.
Stress and Overwhelm: Caregiving can be physically, emotionally, and mentally demanding. Hence, constant pressure can result in feelings of stress, overwhelm, and frustration.
Loss and Grief: Many caregivers sacrificed what they used to have to provide care for their elder. However, for progressive conditions like dementia, it is hard to see good progress. These can trigger feelings of grief, especially when everything you have done becomes seemingly futile.
Emotional Exhaustion: Caregivers may feel drained from giving so much without receiving adequate self-care or support.
Guilt and Self-Doubt: When faced with numerous responsibilities, caregivers may question their decisions and abilities, and spiral into feelings of guilt or uncertainty.
Frustration and Anger: From dealing with difficult behaviours, communication issues, or simply feeling overwhelmed by the demands of caregiving, caregivers may experience bouts of frustration or anger due to many different challenges that they face.
Apathy: On top of exhaustion and the inherent lack of time to engage in what they used to enjoy, apathy could be a maladaptive coping mechanism that caregivers adopt to conserve their energy. There could also be a sense of numbness when you see no progress after all that you have sacrificed for your elder.
You are not alone
Take breaks
Time Management
Realistic Expectations
Stress Management
Given all the negative effects caregiver burnout brings, it is essential to prevent burnout before it takes a greater toll. By following these strategies below, we hope that you can not only better maintain your overall well-being, but also provide better quality care to your elder with dementia.
You are not alone
In your caregiving journey, there are many support systems you can turn to should you need it. Such include your family members, friends, or caregiving resources that we at CaringWheels provide as well. Do not feel embarrassed to reach out to them for emotional support when you need someone to talk to. Maintain good social relations with them to cultivate companionship.
Take breaks
No matter how many tasks you have, it is crucial that you stop and take a break. It may seem impossible, but that is not true. Explore respite care options, such as hiring our Care Aides to relieve you from your caregiving duties. Even a short moment of relief is important for you to focus on yourself and recharge.
As mentioned, taking breaks are essential for you to recharge. Similarly, find time to care for yourself amidst caring for your elder. Engage in simple activities such as exercises, reading or walking when your elder is asleep or in the good hands of a Care Aide. Small steps like these incorporated in your day will improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Educate yourself
Most of your negative emotions stem from the lack of understanding of your elder with dementia’s condition. Gain knowledge through reliable sources about dementia and learn effective strategies to boost your confidence in providing good quality of care to your elder. Some reliable sources include caregiver support groups, articles from reliable caregiving websites or courses with which we too provide here at CaringWheels.
Set realistic expectations
Recognize that nobody is perfect. Be aware of your limitations towards caregiving and set boundaries. It is okay to say no. In progressive conditions such as dementia, it is hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. Hence, refrain yourself from questioning and adopt strategies to give the best quality of care within your means.
Practise effective time management
With many tasks at hand, it is essential to create a schedule to break down the tasks step by step and better handle your situation. This will improve productivity and ease your load. Furthermore, a regulated schedule is beneficial for elderly with dementia to follow as well such that they are on track with their day to day tasks.
Practice stress management technique
In times of stress, take a step back and breathe. Incorporate stress management techniques into your schedule such as deep breathing exercises, meditation or journaling. With these techniques, it can help you to calm down and reduce the feeling of stress.
It is necessary to take steps to prevent caregiver burnout before it happens. Prioritise your well being amidst your devotion to your elder with dementia and do not be afraid to seek help when needed.
Acknowledge Emotions
Social Network
Professional Help
If you resonate with the symptoms mentioned above, it is not too late to step out of it and manage caregiver burnout. Coupled with the steps to take to prevent burnout, here are some more measures that can help you cope if you have fallen into the cracks of caregiver burnout:
Acknowledge your emotions
However you are feeling, it is important to validate and feel the emotions. Thereafter, have the courage to ask for help and support to address these emotions and alleviate your pain.
Practice self-compassion
Be kind to yourself and recognize that you are doing the best you can. Do not spiral further into the hole of inadequacy and negativity. Remember that caregiving is not an easy role, and it is important to care for yourself as well.
Social network
Take time to meet your social groups and rely on them when you need help as well. Staying connected provides a sense of normalcy and reduces feelings of loneliness. Delegating tasks to those around you to ease your load as well is perfectly fine. Your loved ones would definitely prefer seeing a relieved and happier you as compared to a tired and burnout you.
Seek Professional Help
If caregiver burnout persists and becomes overwhelming, consider seeking professional help from Conversational Supporters here at CaringWheels who serve to provide emotional support, coping strategies and a safe space for you to share your burdens. Hire our Care Aides as well if you would like dedicated care of your elder with dementia. You can also tap on our Medical Concierges and Transportation services as well to give yourself a breather during these times. Even a little bit of time off counts and is definitely beneficial.
Taking care of yourself is not selfish but essential for providing better quality care for your elder with dementia.